[4 Steps] – How to Turn Off ADT Alarm System without Code

Have you just forgotten your ADT alarm system code and now you want to turn your alarm system off? No need to worry anymore as we have got your back.

So, can you turn off your ADT alarm system without code?

Yes, you may pretty easily turn off your ADT alarm system without code. To do so, you first need to unplug your ADT alarm, remove its battery and then use the main switch breaker to turn it off.

Keep reading to follow the guide to turn off ADT alarm system without code in no time.

how to turn off adt alarm system without code

How to disable ADT alarm system without code?

ADT alarm system has some triggering conditions that may turn it on, making it ring. Therefore, it’s necessary to be aware of all the triggers that may prevent such a condition. In addition, there are some digital sensors on the doors and windows that may break off by an intruder.

Here are the steps to disable your ADT alarm system without code:

  1. The first step is to unplug the transformer box of your ADT alarm and remove its battery. This transformer box is usually present in the basement or closet near the main switch box or circuit breaker.
  2. Now, locate the fuse or switch box beforehand to get this process done at the earliest time. Moreover, note that removing the battery is very important. Just unplugging will not help you in this step.
  3. Next, you need to open up the main circuit breaker of your home locate the switch supplying electrical current to your ADT alarm. This circuit breaker box is usually inside near your alarm’s transformer box. Carefully follow the wire leading the way to the switch.
  4. Lastly, turn off the switch, and your alarm will turn within a heartbeat.

These steps are pretty simple and easy to follow. The best thing is it doesn’t require much of your time and energy. However, it’s better to know the location of the transformer box and circuit breaker box priorly. Otherwise, it will create further chaos and disturbances.

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Your ADT alarm may often turn on accidentally by the triggers. In this case, you may turn it off yourself without the help of the authorities to avoid any chaos in the neighborhood.

This article provides a step-by-step guide to disabling your ADT alarm system yourself most easily and simply. So, follow the steps discussed above to turn it off without any security code you might have lost or forgotten.

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