How to turn off door chime on ADT alarm system?
To turn off the door chime on your ADT alarm system, you simply need to open the cover of your ADT system and simultaneously press the buttons * and 4 for around 3 seconds. next, once you get the notification for it, press and hold the chime button for about 5 seconds and then close the cover of your ADT system.
However, if the steps mentioned above don’t work for you, contact the ADT alarm customer care center for further assistance.
How to turn on door chime on ADT alarm system?
To turn your door chime on the ADT alarm system, press the buttons * and 4 for 3 seconds just like you did to turn it off. Or you simply press the chime button for around 2 seconds.
Low battery chime on ADT alarm system
A low battery chime on the ADT alarm system is an annoying sound produced when there’s a real power surge or when you have a low-powered battery in your system. This chime indicates that your alarm system may soon go to the disable mode without even letting you know.
Therefore, it’s pretty essential to have a backup battery for your system. You may use it, especially when there’s a power surge and you need to secure your place from any mishap.
How to turn off the low battery chime on the ADT alarm system?
To turn the irritating chime off, you need to press the off and the # button at the same time. However, it may differ in different models of your ADT, so check out the manual before opting for this step.
What is the chime on your ADT alarm system?
The chime on your ADT alarm system is a noticeable sound produced by the security panel in your ADT when certain system zones get activated. This mainly happens when someone opens your door and enters inside. However, it may also get triggered due to technical errors, including low battery or real power surge at your end.
Sometimes your ADT alarm may produce an unnecessary sound called chime for no obvious reason. For example, this may happen when you have a power surge or low battery in your system—however, there is no need to worry as you may easily turn this sound off using simple steps. However, if the sound doesn’t turn off, you may consult the ADT system professional for their help and support.
Therefore, in this article, we have talked about how to turn off the chime on your ADT alarm. Also, the steps to turn it out when the problem gets resolved. In addition, we have also walked through the details of the low-powered chime and the ways to turn it off. So, follow this article for a clear idea concerning this problem.